For Solar Panels


Hourly spot-price

No monthly fee.
Contract type: Valid until further notice

Prices are exempt from VAT

Requires an active fixed or spot electricity contract with Vihreä Älyenergia Oy.

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The electricity purchase agreement requires an active electricity sales contract with Vihreä Älyenergia Oy for the consumption site in question. Please first make a sales agreement.

This contract is intended for purchasing the electricity produced by the small-scale production equipment at your site (over your own electricity consumption needs). Your small-scale production equipment must be no larger than 100 kW. The contract is valid indefinitely and can be terminated by either party with a two-week notice period.

The hourly price refers to the Nord Pool Spot’s hourly price for the Finnish price area. The monthly purchase price for the production we pay you is based on the hourly spot price (minus the delivery fee) and the amount of electricity measured by the distribution network operator.

Additionally, a monthly basic fee will be deducted from the amount received. Currently, the basic fee is €0/month, and the delivery fee is €0.00/kWh. All prices are excluding VAT. If you are VAT-liable, VAT will be added to the prices as applicable.

The purchase of surplus electricity will be directly deducted from your consumption electricity bill.

Please note that the solar electricity purchase agreement can only start once the distribution network company has established a consumption site for your production and the site number is known.

VÄE Spot On – Spot-priced

Most Popular! Our spot-priced Verraton  contract is our customers’ favorite, enabling best possibilities for savings.

VÄE Prime – Fixed term & pricing

Stability. If you wish to anchor your price for electricity to a fixed level, this contract type is for you.

Small Scale Production with Solar Panels

VÄE Balance – Sell you Solar Production

Sell your extra electricity to us! If you use solar panels for electricity production, you can sell the surplus electricity to us.

Moving to/in Finland?

Are you a student?

VÄE Blog

What is Green Energy, and why is it Green?
Electricity 1-0-1 in Finland, Electricity Contracts, part Two
Electricity 1-0-1 in Finland, part One

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