Electric Heating and Electricity Contract

Optimize and save

How much electricity does electric heating consume?

The total electricity bill varies significantly between different households. The heating method has a substantial impact on electricity consumption, particularly during the winter months, which can lead to significant costs. The total electricity bill is composed of the cost of the electricity sold by Vihreä Älyenergia, the transmission fee charged by your electricity grid service provider, and taxes. In addition to choosing the right electricity contract, you can influence your electricity bill through your own choices. While you cannot choose your electricity grid service provider, you can manage the costs associated with related fees. Generally, the electricity consumption of an electrically heated home follows these guidelines:

Electricly heated detached house
For an electrically heated detached house, heating can account for over half of the electricity consumption and billing, potentially exceeding 10,000 kWh per year—sometimes even more. Overall, electricity consumption can range from 14,000 to 20,000 kWh per year.

Electricly heated row house 
The electricity consumption of a row house varies greatly depending on whether it uses district heating, geothermal heating, or direct electric heating. For district heating or geothermal heating, electricity consumption in a row house is about 3,000 to 5,000 kWh per year. However, if direct electric heating is used, electricity consumption can increase to about 10,000 to 13,000 kWh per year.

How can you reduce the costs of electric heating?

You can monitor your electric heating costs using the Älyenergia app, developed by Vihreä Älyenergia. This app is a service for tracking electricity consumption and pricing, and it also provides tips for saving electricity and money based on your consumption. From our general tracking, we can say that a spot-priced electricity contract is typically up to 30% cheaper than a fixed-price / fixed term contract. This does not account for potential consumption effects that are common among users of spot-priced electricity. In other words, users of spot-priced electricity generally adjust their electricity consumption to the cheapest hours of the day.

If you have an electric heating system that can store heat, the best way to reduce your electricity bill is to adjust it to activate when the electricity spot prices are at their lowest. However, this can be stressful because electricity spot prices fluctuate constantly and depend on many factors, such as wind levels, sunlight, water availability, production plant outages and maintenance, and actions by the pan-Nordic electricity exchange. Days and nights are not equal nor are hours and other hours.

We recommend that all users of spot-priced electricity download and use our Smart Energy app, Älyenergia. You can set reminders and thresholds in the app, which will alert you when electricity is at its cheapest. If you want to save yourself some stress, you can also purchase smart thermostats and heating devices that the Älyenergia app can control directly based on spot electricity prices and the rules you set. Additionally, here are some practical tips on how you can reduce electricity consumption for heating and lower your electricity bill:

  • Bathroom and WC Floor Heating
    By lowering the temperature of the bathroom or WC floor to 20-22 degrees Celsius, the floor will be comfortable while consuming less electricity. After a shower, it is advisable to dry the floor, as moisture evaporation cools surfaces, and the floor heating system has to work harder to maintain the temperature.
  • Room Cooling and Heating
    During summer, keep rooms cooler and in winter, warmer by keeping curtains and blinds closed. Also, assess what temperature is suitable for each room. For example, a closet does not need the same temperature as a living room or kitchen, and research shows that sleeping quality improves when the bedroom temperature is between 15-20 degrees Celsius, making a cooler bedroom preferable.
  • Storage and Garage Heating
    Consider which storage areas need to be kept warm and which can be cold. Lowering the temperature or keeping storage areas completely cold can significantly reduce your electricity bill.
  • Air Source Heat Pump
    In an electrically heated house, installing an air source heat pump can substantially reduce your electricity bill. For a house consuming 20,000 kWh per year, using an air source heat pump can save several hundred euros annually. Additionally, if the house has a heat-storing fireplace, the air source heat pump helps circulate its heat more efficiently, affecting the total amount of energy needed for electric heating.
  • Cooking
    Prepare larger amounts of food on the stove or in the oven at once and make use of residual heat for heating other areas of your home.
  • Sauna
    Prefer to use the sauna less frequently but for longer periods rather than often and quickly. Avoid heating the sauna unnecessarily and turn it off as soon as you leave. Sauna with friends or family alternately at home or at a friend’s/family’s place to enjoy both social time and a smaller electricity bill. Remember to turn off the ventilation during heating, but switch it back on when you enter the sauna.
  • Car Heating
    In winter, be mindful to heat your car according to the outside temperature. Shorter heating times are sufficient for mild frost.
  • Check the Älyenergia App
    The Älyenergia app will show you when electricity is cheapest. By using appliances, the oven, sauna, and electric car charging at the right times, you can save significantly.

Choose the best electricity contract for you

By optimizing your electricity consumption, you can significantly reduce your electricity bill. It’s also wise to choose a Vihreä Älyenergia electricity contract, as the electricity we sell is generated 100% through carbon-free methods, producing no carbon dioxide emissions. We also do not charge you a premium for choosing our more environmentally friendly option.  Electricity prices can vary greatly, and Vihreä Älyenergia’s carbon-free spot electricity is consistently among the most affordable in Finland*.

* We continuously monitor the competition and market to offer our customers the best environmentally friendly electricity.

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