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Privacy Policy and Cookie Information

Vihreä Älyenergia Oy Privacy Policy

Latest update 24.5.2024

Data Controller and Contact Person

Vihreä Älyenergia Oy
VAT number: FI26939374
Visiting address: Visiokatu 4 (Hermia 3), 33720 Tampere
Postal address: Visiokatu 4 (Hermia 3), 33720 Tampere
Phone number: 029 1800088
Website: www.vihreaenergia.fi
Registry Contact: Rene Miettinen; phone number: 029 1800088

Name of the register

Vihreä Älyenergia Oy Customer Register

Purpose of Processing Personal Data and Basis for Maintaining the Register

The data controller or its authorized partner uses the personal data of customers or potential customers in accordance with data protection laws for the following purposes:

  • Managing and developing customer relationships
  • Providing and delivering products and services
  • Providing, managing and development of the Älyenergia application
  • Payment processing, monitoring payments, and debt collection
  • Marketing and remote sales of the data controller’s products and services
  • Developing the data controller’s business and services, including customer service development
  • Segmenting and profiling for the purposes mentioned above

The processing of personal data is based on the current data protection legislation, specifically:

  • Contractual Relationship
    between Vihreä Älyenergia Oy and the data subject, e.g., when the data subject has entered into an electricity contract with Vihreä Älyenergia Oy.
  • Consent
    from the data subject, e.g., when the data subject has consented to electronic direct marketing.
  • Legitimate Interest
    of Vihreä Älyenergia Oy and the material connection between Vihreä Älyenergia Oy and the data subject, e.g., when Vihreä Älyenergia Oy uses the data subject’s data for marketing or advertising its products and services, or processes the data internally.
  • Legal Obligation
    of Vihreä Älyenergia Oy, e.g., when Vihreä Älyenergia Oy retains customer data to comply with accounting or other mandatory legislation.

Data is retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes defined above. Customers can also influence the retention period through the options described below.

Register Content

From customers and potential customers who have given marketing or contact permissions, the following necessary information is collected and stored for the purposes mentioned above. The information collected can include, but is not limited to:

Customer Data

Customer Information

  • Name
  • Personal ID number
  • Customer number
  • Legal or natural person
  • Language code
  • Contact details (e.g., phone number and email address)

Usage Site Information

  • Street address
  • Postal code
  • Post office location
  • Type of residence and ownership status
  • Timing of use
  • Heating type
  • Estimated electricity consumption or actual consumption data (statistical data)
  • Main fuse size
  • Electricity connection details

Billing and Payment Information

  • Billing address details
  • Due date
  • Billing frequency
  • Billing method
  • Bank account number
  • Payment details

Other Information

  • Customer feedback and other contacts with customer service, including customer service calls between the customer and the data controller
  • Customer satisfaction information
  • Legal information regarding direct marketing, remote selling, and other direct marketing permissions and refusals
  • Information about membership in customer loyalty and similar systems of the data controller and partner companies, and any benefits associated with these systems
  • Other information obtained with the customer’s or potential customer’s consent or authorization, necessary for fulfilling the requested service

Observed Service and Application Usage Data

  • Actions and behavior performed in the service or application, such as visits to specific pages, purchases made, searches conducted or statistics of functionality used in the application
  • Timing, frequency, and duration of visits
  • Browser type and operating system
  • Device type, such as computer or mobile device
  • IP address
  • Session time and duration
  • Screen resolution and operating system
  • Unique identifier, such as cookie or device ID
  • Interaction with communications, such as whether the customer clicked on an email sent to them
  • Other information collected with user consent

Derived Information from Service Usage

Through analytics, it is possible to derive, for example, a customer’s potential areas of interest or segment the customer into a specific target group based on observed service usage and/or information provided by the customer.

Regular Sources of Information

Information about customers is obtained from the customers themselves, for example, through requests for proposals, orders, contracts, and other interactions, as well as from data generated or recorded from the use of the customer’s services or products. Information about potential customers is gathered through competitions, lotteries, and telemarketing. Only the details of those potential customers who have given consent for marketing or contact purposes are recorded.

All contacts with Vihreä Älyenergia Oy can be recorded. These recordings are used to verify business transactions, handle complaints, and develop customer service.

Personal data may also be collected, stored, and updated from the Population Register Centre, Suomen Asiakastieto Oy, and other registries providing address, update, and similar services. Data is also updated based on the rules for information exchange in the electricity market published by the Energy Industry.

Regular Data Transfers and Transfer of Data Outside the EU or European Economic Area

Data from Vihreä Älyenergia Oy’s customer register is not regularly disclosed outside of Vihreä Älyenergia Oy without the explicit consent of the customer. In accordance with applicable laws, data may be disclosed to authorities. In compliance with electricity market legislation and relevant industry guidelines, data may be shared with other parties involved in electricity trading (electricity sellers, distribution network operators) and with the data exchange solution manager for the electricity market (Fingrid Datahub Oy) through electronic messaging. Personal data is transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area only in accordance with data protection legislation, for example, using model contract clauses approved by the European Commission.

Principles of Register Protection

The customer register information is stored in databases that are protected by firewalls, passwords, and other technical measures. Access to the information is restricted to individuals employed by Vihreä Älyenergia Oy or its authorized agents who need the data for their job duties. Vihreä Älyenergia Oy requires its staff and partners to commit to maintaining the confidentiality of customer data. They have access to user credentials and passwords. Manual records are kept in Vihreä Älyenergia Oy’s premises, which are locked and monitored.

Rights of the Data Subject

Under data protection legislation, the customer has the right to:

  • Access their personal data and request the correction or completion of inaccurate or incomplete information, or the deletion of outdated information by sending a written and signed request to Vihreä Älyenergia Oy, visiting Vihreä Älyenergia Oy’s premises in person, or by modifying, completing, or deleting the information themselves through the application.
  • Object to the use of their data for direct marketing or remote sales by contacting customer service in writing or by phone, or by using the opt-out link provided at the end of electronic communications.
  • Disable or clear cookies through browser settings, or reset the application identifier in mobile device settings as described in the cookie policy.
  • File a complaint with the relevant authority if they believe their data has been processed in violation of this privacy statement or applicable data protection legislation.

Contact Information for Exercising Rights

Vihreä Älyenergia Oy / Rene Miettinen
Postal address: Visiokatu 4, 33720 Tampere
Customer service: phone number 029 1800088, Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00

Cookie Information - vihreaenergia.fi

Comments and Forms

When users leave comments on the site or fill out a form that they send to us, we collect the data in the form, as well as the user’s IP address and browser version information to help identify spam.


If you upload images to the site, avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS). The image handler might be able to download and view location data from images with EXIF GPS information included.


The site uses cookies, most of which are essential for the site’s usability. Additionally, the site uses cookies to improve its functionality and track visitor data. Marketing cookies are used on the site if you consent to their use via the cookie notice. If you leave a comment on the site or send us a message through the site, you can opt to have your name, email address, and URL saved in a cookie. This feature enhances user convenience as it avoids having to fill out the form repeatedly. Cookie information is deleted from the browser after one year.

If you have an account and log in to the site, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser supports cookies. This cookie does not contain personal data and is removed when the browser window is closed.

When you log in, we set several cookies to save your login and display preferences. Login cookies are removed after two days, while cookies related to display preferences are removed after one year. If you select “Remember me” during login, your login information will be retained for two weeks. If you log out, the login cookies are removed immediately.

Embedded Content from Other Sites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Viewing embedded content from other sites is equivalent to visiting the third-party site directly.

These sites may collect information about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking cookies, and monitor your interaction with the embedded content, including tracking your interaction if you are logged in as a user on that site.

Who We Share Your Data With

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email. We do not share data with third parties. Cookies used for marketing and communication are used minimally, and we do not disclose personal data under any circumstances. Marketing and communication cookies are based on the practices of the advertising environments used, and we strive to avoid unnecessary cookies. We use Google Analytics services, Google marketing platforms, Meta advertising platforms, LinkedIn ad systems, and Email Octopus for email marketing. The email platform includes the same data as our customer registry, and you can choose to opt out of your data being used for marketing. However, we may use your data for sending messages related to your electricity contracts or other orders.

How Long We Retain Data

We store registered users’ profile data. All users can view, edit, and delete their personal data at any time. Only the username cannot be changed. Website administrators can view and edit user profile information.

Your Rights to Your Data

If you have a user account on this site, have sent us messages via forms or other software, or have left comments, you can request a summary of your personal data, including all the personal data you have provided to us. You can also request the deletion of your personal data. The right to deletion does not apply to personal data that we must retain for maintenance, legal, or security reasons.

Where Your Data is Sent

Visitor comments and information from submitted forms may be checked through an automated spam detection service.

VÄE Spot On – Spot-priced

Most Popular! Our spot-priced Verraton  contract is our customers’ favorite, enabling best possibilities for savings.

VÄE Prime – Fixed term & pricing

Stability. If you wish to anchor your price for electricity to a fixed level, this contract type is for you.

Small Scale Production with Solar Panels

VÄE Balance – Sell you Solar Production

Sell your extra electricity to us! If you use solar panels for electricity production, you can sell the surplus electricity to us.

Moving to/in Finland?

Are you a student?

VÄE Blog

With fall come the spikes of spot electricity prices – is having a spot contract a good idea?
What is Green Energy, and why is it Green?
Electricity 1-0-1 in Finland, Electricity Contracts, part Two

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